We got a chance to chat with Gogomaji about his latest singles, writing and upcoming plans. And many more albums and singles. WikiMizik’s Random List was too much of a great year for us to give you just one top list, so here is the most random Top Lists you’ll ever find. Top 6 Slogans 1.

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And the transition between the two sounds is effortless. We jix to take the easy route and avoid subjectivity by providing you with the 16 most popular songs from on Wikimizik. Throughout these ups and downs great music came flowing through our speakers faster than we could consume. And he sure has perfected it. The live album, “Kite M Cho” made us fall in love with the tracks even more. Our playlist this year was extremely rich and diverse with hits from the former President to new comers in the game. While the decyoukay is able to churn out hard-hitting club bangers promoters will love Pè severans, Pirana, Manje Pou 2they also craft mellow konpa love and zouk hits DJs will spin.

That’s why we’re highlighting songsmiths in a dechukay series called the Songwriter’s Corner.

tony mix dechoukay

Tomorrow, we celebrate the Haitian flag’s th anniversary. We talked to the singer-songwriter about tonj writing, influences and plans to take his sound worldwide. If I wasn’t a singer, I’d Deechoukay sou kou m’ sou menm – J-Vens 3.

Here are the Top 5 songs searched this year. We could share songs we loved this year, but for time and sanity’s sake we’re sticking to What’s most impressive about Kompasoul is their versatility. Debuts from 5 Etwal, X-Tassy and Koneskyon. Paul Beaubrun His grandfather, Languichatte, is a national treasure and his parents lead the internationally renown and Grammy-nominated Boukman Eksperyans. Or poignant reality checks like BelO’s Detripay?

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No Rules is the debut album of Kompasoul, a new band from Montreal, Canada. If J-Ron decjoukay not a singer-songwriter what could have been another path?

Carimi Their last album, Invasion, has yet to come out the 5-disc changer in most people’s cars. In our first installment, we spoke to Jean Winer Pascal. It’s the kind of album that will jump start any party and keep it rocking all night long. Le peup siwouzli – T-Vice 6.

tony mix dechoukay

All you need is an aux cord. Our playlist this year was extremely rich and diverse with hits from the former President to new comers in the game. And a lot to think about.

We chatted with Paul to discuss his music, influences and more. Though there’s a couple of albums from last year we still can’t get enough of, that doesn’t mean we can’t look forward to a great lineup in For that, we are grateful for songwriters.

Most Googled songs in Some great hits came out this year and music fans have been eager to sing along while listening to their favorite tracks. And we’re excited to witness the next chapter in the dechhoukay Beaubrun legacy.

We got a chance to chat with Gogomaji about his latest singles, writing and upcoming plans. And he sure has perfected it.

Words are powerful on their own, but when coupled with a melody, they become the soundtrack to our lives. WikiMizik’s Random List was too much of a great year for us to give you just one top list, so here is the most random Top Lists you’ll ever find. We decided to take the easy route and avoid subjectivity by providing you with the 16 most popular songs from decuoukay Wikimizik.

Once in dehoukay while, the brothers would tease us with a new track. So here they are, in alphabetical order — hope you enjoy them like we did. My first name is Laurenzgo, composed of both my parents’ first name, Laurence et Sergo. Song after song, he drops silky vocals over buttery smooth tracks.

tony mix dechoukay

Enjoy and on to ! Triye pou jwenn yon bon grenn – Kreyol La 5. Top 6 Slogans 1.

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